We arrived in Johannesburg, South Africa this morning and
were met by AIM missionaries. We are
staying at a beautiful AIM base with real bathrooms and bunk beds. What a warm welcome! We are in a valley with trees, green
vegetation, flowers, and birds. We are
going to have a few relaxed days as we wait for the B Squad to arrive. I talked to one of the AIM missionaries about
South Africa. She explained that right
now Johannesburg is one of the most dangerous cities in the world. More deaths occur here due to murder each day in South Africa
than in Iraq. The problem of crime lies
in the fact that there is such a strong contrast between the wealthy and the
poor. The wealthiest group is made up of
a small group of corrupt black politicians.
Then there is a smaller group of wealthy white. A black middle class is finally starting to
emerge, but the rest of the black community lives in poverty. Illegal immigration is as much a problem in
South Africa as it is in America.
Immigrants come in from the North hoping to make a better living and
they often end up in refugee style camps.
The place where we are staying has a big electric fence around it so we
are safe, but please pray for South Africa, the crime, and our safety outside
the gates.