A new group of 26 World Racers arrived in Swaziland today.  They will be traveling alongside us for a little while, but their race will not end until April 2008.  Over the next week the current World Racers will be helping to train the new World Racers.  It was fun to see their vans pull up with all new backpacks filled with new gear.  Their stuff looks so clean and new.  Their shoes are bright and their clothes don’t have stains. 
Watching them in this first part of their journey has brought back many memories and emotions.  When I first started the race I was so worried and nervous.  I worried about everything; food, money, safety, lodging, showering, having too much stuff, not having enough stuff, friends, missing home, and the list goes on.  For the first month I clung to Psalm 91 and prayed that I would be able to trust in the Lord.  It was not until I saw the fear and worry in the new World Racers, that I realized how much I have grown.  When we go to a new location I am aware of the need for safety, lodging, food, etc., but I don’t worry as much about these concerns.  The Lord has proven to me that He will provide.  As I have witnessed his character of being a provider, I have learned to trust Him more and more.  So, I am excited to comfort the new World Racers and tell them that they can trust in the Lord.