In the corner of the Abuelita’s dorm room is a bed where a
tiny little old lady spends her days.
Her face is creased and lined with wrinkles; signs of a full life. Alejandra is known to be quite cantankerous
and a little demanding. She called out
to Joy, asking her to bring dinner and a little coffee. Joy told her the meal would arrive in 15
minutes and patted her on the hand.
Alejandra murmured something under her breath then slapped Joy. The nurses handed out the meal trays with
rice, chicken, and plantains. I was
handed Alejandra’s tray and asked to feed her.
I put the cup of luke-warm coffee
up to her mouth and she scolded me because it was too hot. In between bites she asked me, “Is your
mother at work?” I told her that I
thought my mother was probably at home.
Alejandra continued, “Is your mother hungry?” I told her I thought my mom probably was not
hungry. I was giving her another
spoonful of rice when she reached up and placed her hand on my arm. “Who is going to feed your mother when she
gets hungry?” Alejandra was so concerned
that no one would be home to feed my mother because I was at the hospital with

There are 26 women in the Abuelita section of the hospital
and four nurses to take care of them from 7am-6pm. Then from 6pm-7am there is only one nurse on
duty for all 26 women. About 8 of the
women are bed-bound, three are able to walk, and the rest are in wheel
chairs. Dinner is served at 4pm and the
women do not get to eat again until 7 the next morning. In spite of the understaffing, the nurses
move from one Abuelita to the next with compassion, patience, and joy. Their job is arduous and the patients are
demanding yet they do not seem to be weary.
Dona Maria is my little friend with the huge smile. Her favorite saying is, “Que Alegria!” What happiness! She does not leave the dorm room, in fact she
does not even leave her bed. She has no
use of her legs and has to depend on someone else to bring her food and take
her to the bathroom. Yet, her favorite
saying is, “Que Alegria!”

God is so good to us.
Last night we were treated to yet another home cooked meal. The YWAM Antigua staff spoiled us with
chicken, mashed potatoes, corn, fruit, tortillas, and cake. It was quite a feast. Que Alegria!

Behind this white wall you will find the coffee house, meeting room, pre-school, a road, and the church where we are staying.