This morning we left Cenovia Aguilar and it was harder than I thought it would be. We have the day off in Palenque today and are spending the night in a hotel. Friday and Saturday night we will camp out with the rest of the World Racer’s and share about our experiences. I think we also have a little side trip planned to a waterfall nearby called Mi Sol Ha. Then Sunday morning we will begin the race to Guatemala.

I would appreciate prayer for:

-Continued unity on my team.

-Health (A few of us have been sick)

-Renewed energy for Guatemala.

-That I would be passionate about sharing the Good News.

-That I would be able to form significant relationships with the people of Guatemala.

-You can also pray that God would provide nice accommodations.

P.S. I have decided to do my blog journal style with a lot of details. Do you like details or would you prefer a few interesting stories. I don’t want to  bore you.