My team has spent the past two days at Jaco’s helping out with random jobs. The guys have been working on building a shower house and bathroom so that short term teams will be able to stay here. The girls have been working on sorting clothing to be passed out to orphans and villages. I have spent all of my time in front of a sewing machine mending clothing for the orphans, Jaco’s family, and the World Racer’s. I have absolutely loved getting to do this practical service for the family and the orphans. I told Jaco that one of the ways we want to minister in Mozambique is by serving and encouraging his family. We have done so much work for them that they will now be freed up to spend more time ministering to the local villages and orphans. I am growing in the truth that each of us have different gifts that we use to minister. One of mine is the gift of service. I get so excited and passionate about being able to mend clothing for the family. I do not get as excited about the door to door evangelism. It has been hard for me to accept that this is okay. If everyone were passionate about door to door evangelism, who would be excited to get up everyday to sew. Romans chapter 12 my chapter for the year; I am challenged by it almost everyday on the race. Check out Romans 12:4-8 for a little wisdom on gifts.