Saturday is market day in Cenovia Aguilar; the main street shuts down
and about five vendors set up shop. As our team shopped we
noticed more people staring at us than usual. The town has gotten
used to the crazy Americans, but there must have been people from
surrounding communities at the market. They sell clothing,
vegetables, fruit, and chicken. The chicken comes live or grilled
over a fire. The live ones are about three times more expensive
then the grilled ones. Since we had not eaten meat in almost a
whole week we decided to try out the grilled chicken. It was

When we returned from the market our local contact Pastor Samuel came
to visit. We tried to explain to him that we feel like we are not
doing a great job with the services because of the language barrier and
we needed some ideas on how to improve. Even that was lost in
translation and he thought we were saying we do not like it here.
We are going to try to talk to him on Monday with a translator.
Despite the fact that we have no translator my Spanish is
improving. Hanging out with a bunch of kids in Mexico is the best
and most fun way to improve Spanish. They are very patient and
love teaching me new words.

At one o’clock the Lost Boys and some friends arrived at our door ready
for some fun. We agreed to go to the river again, but said we
would not go through the lodo and tomorrow we would stay near the house
to play. Some of the kids we have asked to go to the river say
they cannot because their parents did not give them permission.
So, we spent another beautiful afternoon playing and splashing in the
water. The boys got into the mud and by the end, after some
fighting and rolling around, were covered from head to toe.

This evening after the church services we made dinner and invited the
Alfredo (our host), the Pastor, and one of the ladies at church that
always sings. The menu was “American” with French fries, hotdogs,
spaghetti, green beans, and of course Coca-Cola. Alfredo got out
his guitar and starting playing and singing. Some of the
Americans played and sang too and a crowd gathered.