Today I fell like an ADD child. I can not concentrate on anything for very
long due to the hundreds of thoughts that are zooming through my head. I have not yet grasped the concept that I am
in Mexico at the beginning of an 11month trek.

after completing my blog, I climbed on a bus with about a dozen other
WRer’s. We crossed the border into
Mexico and were met by serveral other WRer’s at the AIM center in
Matamoros. We unpacked our gear into a
bunk house style room then put on nice clothes to attend church. The church was conducted in Spanish, but
translated into English for those of us who needed a little help. The rest of the evening we spent time hanging
out and praying with our teams.

brought the New Year in with a countdown around a campfire with sparkling grape
juice. One of the boys spiced things up
a bit with some fireworks that he bought at “Sam’s Snack Shop”. They sounded and felt more like military
mortar. What a year this will be!

staff blessed us today with a day of silence and prayer. I spent most of the time trying to process
all that has taken place within the last couple weeks and what will take place
in the next year. From this time, God
showed me that I need to focus on the moment and not worry about what is to
come and what is behind. This is not so
easy for me.

team needs prayer…we lost two members that have decided to go on the June
trip. Another team has lost a guy to the
June trip, so we are in the process of exchanging one guy on our Hupomone team
for a girl on Team Salt. It is a hard
process to go through because we have been with these teams since September.