This is our last day with Jaco, Maria, Maggie, and Rudo Rudolph.  We will also have to say goodbye to Leah from Scotland.  Leah is 40 years old but is so cool and young in looks and spirit that she fit in with our group so well.  I will miss the Rudolphs and Leah very much.  I will miss the feeling of being around a family house, the laughter, and their accents.  We are all so grateful for the generous hospitality they showed us at last minutes notice.

We spent the day finishing some last minute jobs for the family then Jaco took us out for ice-cream.  Clara, a local girl that helps around the house, went with us.  It was fun to watch her eat ice-cream for the first time.  She bit into it at first and held her teeth, so we taught her to lick it rather than bite it.