The past two days have been days of traveling from Mae Ou Su to Mae Sariang and then from Mae Sariang to Chiang Mai. This ride did not include any elephant spotting or encounters with Thai movie stars, but the mountains were just as beautiful and the roads just as curvy.  I will miss riding in the back of the truck looking out at scenes of rice paddies, bamboo forests, and jungle mountains. 

 I will not miss getting pelted with rain, exhaust, and dirt from the road as my stomach gets queasy from the mountain switchbacks.  

Today has been a day of relaxing and resting before we leave from Bangkok on the overnight bus this evening.   We will have to say goodbye to Ra Pi, Pastor, and Ray who have been amazing contacts and leaders for us this month.  Ra Pi has taken care for us without resting for the past three weeks-I will miss her cooking.  Pastor has entertained us with his facial expressions and singing. 

Pastor, Ra Pi, and Ra Pi’s Mom

Ray has provided great ministry opportunities, lodging, and will continue to be an excellent AIM contact in the future.  I am very grateful for these three individuals that went above the call of duty on many occasions to provide for us. 

We will be in Bangkok for two days then we will head to debrief.  Rumor has it that debrief will be on an island.  After debrief-Cambodia.