Church began this morning at 10:00 am under a tin roof. The World Racer’s were escorted to the front to sit on rough wooden benches while the congregation filled in empty benches and some sat on the dirt floor. A line of about 10 children marched/danced to the front while the adults accompanied them with strong melodious voices. I sat in amazement as the elementary aged kids sang, danced, and stomped on the ground with more rhythm and precision than I will ever have. For the next hour we were graced with concert quality acapello and trilling tongues.

Then it was our turn-the Pastor turned the rest of the service over to us, “If you want to preach into the night that would be okay with us.” Clinton preached then each of us got up and shared a little gratitude for being welcomed. Almost 3 hours later the service ended with more songs.

Our contact arranged a treat for us this afternoon. We rode in the back of a pick-up truck about 20 minutes to the Indian Ocean. The closer the shore we drove the more signs of destruction due to the hurricane that hit two months ago. More people lost their homes in this storm than Katrina. Unfortunately their homes are more destructible, but the good thing is they seem to be able to rebuild more quickly.

The white sand intensified the clear blue water that was perfect for swimming; warm and calm.