This morning we took a bus to the center of Bangkok where we attended an English speaking service. Unfortunately we missed half of the service because it started earlier than we were told. Afterwards we walked a few blocks to a Subway restaurant that had elicited cries of delight from hungry World Racers. The food was not quite the same, but it was the best and only Subway I have had all year. To get back to the YWAM base we took the sky train then another bus. Public transportation is one of my favorite things outside of the US-it makes traveling so easy and cheap too. This afternoon I saw the first rain of the rainy season here in Bangkok. It came down in buckets, but lasted less than an hour.

This evening Rusty, Clinton, and Tana joined our team (LO without Joy) and we headed to the bus terminal on the back of a covered truck. We drove to the other side of Bangkok and I was astounded by the size of the city.

At the terminal we said goodbye to our translators Goi and Gig then waited for our 13 hour bus ride to Chang Mai. Notice the bus attendants in the background:

Eventually we boarded the bus to find amazing seats that had tons of leg room and reclined very low. There were pillows and blankets on each seat. We already felt like we were being treated royally. Then the bus attendant (dressed like a flight attendant), brought a box with a chicken leg, muffin, and a doughnut. Then she brought a bottle of water, then she brought ice cold coke, then she brought cookies, then some drinkable yogurt, and finally she passed out hot tea. I’m not used to such service on bus trips so I joked about how maybe we have to pay for all of it and we would get the bill at the end. That was not the case, we rode in style and the trip only last about 9 hours rather than 13. My only complaint is that it was dark so we could not see what we were passing.