Six months ago if you would have told me I  would be living in Gainesville, Ga for three and a half months, I  would have probably laughed in your face. I was stoked to go travel the world while ALSO getting to go spread the word of Jesus. Like that sounds like the dream life!! However, God said SIKE! 


Over the past few months, I  have been so angry at the fact that I  wasn’t launching to go to Romania because of Covid. Like ugh God why! Why have you been preparing me to go across the world for the past year and then completely wreck those plans? I  DID NOT want to go. I  wanted to quit (well I  kinda did for a day but that’s besides the point). The thought of living in a tent in the woods, taking cold bucket showers, and not being able to leave campus made me sob. It kinda felt like everything I  had worked for was falling apart and yes, even though that is a little dramatic, its true. I  had to realize that Gods plans are not only bigger than my plans but are also so so so much better which was sooo hard and humbling. But but but, now that I  have been in Georgia for a little over two weeks, I understand why God did what he did. 


God has absolutely wrecked me here and he has answered all of my prayers. Like WOWOWOW THANKS GOD, this is my peak and I  have never been so content. I  never thought I  would be saying that considering I haven’t slept on a real bed, taken a real shower, or had any sense of privacy in two weeks but ya know the Lord is really surprising me here.


Ok ok so let me tell you some things the Lord has totally blessed me with here:


My squad is so cool ahhhh! I love everyone so much already and and and  

I  am not exaggerating in the slightest when I  say I  have the best team in the whole world. They’re like my little family within the whole squad. The girls names on my team are Ana, Mackenzi, Rachel, Liv, Gracie, and Abigal AND THEY’RE MY FAVORITE PEOPLE EVER! I  actually could go on and on about them for hours so I  am going to limit myself here. Ana is the sweetest and caring person. She loves people so well. Mackenzi makes everyone feel included, welcomed, and loved. She connects with people fast and well which is such a special gift. Rachel is wise beyond her years. She always refers back to scripture and is quick to pray and love on you. Liv is a natural leader and an amazing story teller. Her words carry wisdom and power. Gracie is kind and cares so deeply. You will always feel heard when you talk to Gracie. Abigal is the most joyful and loving person you will ever meet. She has a servants heart and makes you feel so special. 


I  have always prayed for a like minded community of people that would push me to Jesus and that is exactly what I  got. Being able to get to know them and see their hearts for Jesus has been the biggest honor and I  cannot wait to continue getting to know them and growing our friendships. 


Ok now onto my leaders! I  don’t even know where to start oh my gosh I  love them so much. 

So first off, my team leaders name is Leanna. She is in charge of just my team and and she is with us for the first three months of the trip. She is probably the coolest person I  have ever met and seeing how much she loves the Lord and points everything back to Jesus is so so so beautiful. Just in the past two weeks she has already made such an impact on my life AHHH. Leanna is full of abundant joy. She is quick to serve, she wants to hear your heart, and has such a heart of gratitude. 

Now second, my squad leader Milly!! She’s with us the whole 9 months. She is very genuine and wise. She makes everything feel 10x more fun and is quick to jump in and participate in whatever my team or I  are doing. She listens very well and in everything she does, she does it to glorify the Lord, and I  admire that a lot. 

Like what the, how did I  get the coolest leaders on top of already having the best team?!! God is just so so good to me.


Through out the past two weeks, three main things God has been teaching me are vulnerability, freedom, and forgiveness. 

I  am learning how to walk in those things and I  am already so changed forever. I have learned that because of the cross, my past and my sins are completely forgiven and forgotten. That when I  forgive, it doesn’t change my past, but instead it changes my future. I  have learned what it means to have grace on the people around me and myself and that I  am fully restored because of grace. I  have learned that God will always provide. I  have learned how to live life in abundance because what is in front of me today is enough. I  have learned that freedom comes with venerability and how beautiful and amazing that can be. I  can go on and on and on because every single day I dive deeper into the word and my relationship with God.


I  am thankful that I  get the chance to be here and grow with Jesus and the community around me. I  wake up knowing those are the only two things I  have to do every single day and wow its the best. Thank you Jesus for placing me right where I  needed to be.



Here is my team!





This is my squad!