So, why guatemala? The Lord placed Guatemala on my heart for the first time while I was on the World Race and the opportunity I had to go back this past year heightened my desire to return and passion for this country. I see Guatemala stepping into their calling to rise up and become leaders in the body of Christ. One of the reasons I desire to work with the base is because they have an amazing opportunity to work with both native Guatemalans as well as Gen Z Americans, as both groups choose to live their lives as radical Christ followers. Over the past couple of years, Jesus has given me an increasing passion for seeing my generation bring encouragement and shift to the church in the states who have become exhausted after years of laboring. Through the opportunities God has blessed me with over the years, I feel I’ve been given this perspective to share with the church in the States. I see that many of our churches here are comfortable – we are easily satisfied with staying in the pew. It is almost as if we have exchanged shackles for shackles. We have given our chains of sin over to God, but have chosen to chain ourselves to the pews in our church buildings. Seeing through this lens has led me to ask myself and the church around me these questions: What if we were to rise up and go? Instead of trying to rope people into our programs at church, what if we left the pews after Sunday services and went to seek people out? I believe that’s what Jesus did. I believe that this is the command of our great commission. To go, to make disciples of all nations. I believe that Gen Z, if we choose to follow Jesus into this miraculous opportunity given to us, can be a catalyst of change in the body of Christ in the United States.

So many World Racers come through Guatemala every year. Having Guatemalans and young Americans come to Guatemala yearly, I see an incredible gift of both of my God given desires aligning. These racers are the ones who will return back to churches and universities in the States, and I believe that God desires to use their time in Guatemala to equip them to bring radical change to the Church in America.

Along with this passion I have, I love Guatemala and its people. For many years Jesus has blessed this country to be a receiving nation of His kindness and glory, and now He has blessed them with the calling to rise up and go. They are being transformed from a receiving nation to a sending nation. Many Guatemalans have chosen to commit a yes in their spirit to the Lord, and are willing and ready to be sent out for His glory. How beautiful.

This October I will be diving into multiple ministries through Adventures in Missions Guatemala. This will include church activation, short-term teams, and discipleship of World Race squads. After my internship finishes early December, the base staff and I will collectively commit to praying and seeking God for if I am called to stay and join Adventures In Missions Guatemala for a minimum of 3 years or if He is calling me elsewhere. I am super excited for this opportunity to get to take steps into pursuing my dreams and heart that the Lord has given me for long term missions.

My desire as a disciple of Christ is to see His Kingdom come, and I feel confident that this is where Jesus is asking me to step in this new season of life. I could not be more excited for this sweet opportunity!

So! Let’s talk about how this can be made possible with your support. As I believe that I am stepping where the Lord has called me, I am committed to investing my finances into this calling, and I also am asking for your partnership to join me in this Kingdom pursuit. This summer I am working full time at a ranch in the mountains of Colorado, saving what I can to support myself. This has been such a sweet blessing financially as well as spiritually! I believe that a beautiful aspect of the Church is the gift of partnership and spurring one another on as we each follow Jesus. While I am here in Colorado I will start praying and seeking monthly supporters. One time donations are absolutely a huge help and support with the internship that will cost $3,000 for the two months that I will live in Guatemala. If you desire to support me monthly whether it is $5 a month or $50 or $100 everything helps and I would love to begin this partnership with you. When you donate through my blog Anna Horst’s Blog | The World Race Mission Trip you can select a monthly donation or a one time donation. Thank you for praying about supporting me and partnering with me through prayer.

I am so expectant for all that the Lord is doing across the nations and I feel incredibly honored that you and I get to be a part of it. I love you all so very much! Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or if you’d like to chat!