Hello there! Thanks for checking out my blogging site! As you may or may not know, I am new to this whole blogging business, so bear with me. Most of you already know who I am, so I’ll skip by the basics and tell you things that you may not know about me. First of all, I love love love the smell of bonfires almost more than any smell in the entire world. I’m right handed, but somehow ended up learning how to play pool left handed. Go figure. I also have a pet guinea pig named Jerome who is astronomically obese and enjoys eating my students’ homework. But more importantly, I love Jesus to my very core. I am definitely a home body, so this journey will definitely be a leap of faith. Although I am nervous, I am confident that the Lord is going to do some awesome things through this opportunity. He always does!

On June 28th, I will be embarking on a trip around the world with some awesome people (who I haven’t met yet, but let’s assume they’re awesome) for 11 months. During this time, we will be living in 11 different countries serving the communities in whatever avenue is needed while spreading the Gospel. I will be on a trek that will be visiting the following countries:

India, Nepal, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, Botswana, Swaziland, South Africa, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, and Jamaica.

If you want to learn more about my route in particular, you can go to www.theworldrace.org and click on the “Find a Trip” button. My trip is the July 2015 (Route 3) trip. Also, feel free to shoot me an email at [email protected] or reach me by phone at 612-508-7085. God bless!