Just for Fun…

Month of the Race: 11
Country: Malawi
City: Nkhata Bay
Ministry Site: Butterfly Space [www.butterflyspacemalawi.com]

Daily projects: Leveling the ground and building walls for a nursery playground. Playing music for an AIDS support group. Visiting and sharing a message at a local prison (I am floored to hear these men say that they feel more free here, because of Jesus, than they were “out there”). Sketching out a mural for a new school for disabled students. Carrying bricks and sand for another new school building. Planning activities for the neighborhood Kids’ Club. Teaching Math and English at a primary school.

Greatest joy (location): Waking up to the sun rising over the mountains across Lake Malawi and watching the stars glisten over the waters at night.

Greatest frustration (location): The lodge is built on top of a large anthill. Ants. Everywhere!

Lodging: Tents and sleeping pads close to the water. Not bad.

Internet: Slim to none. We’ve been spoiled with good internet for a few months on the race, but this is pretty normal overseas.

Running water: Usually. Sometimes it will cut off in the afternoon until after dinnertime.

Bathing situation: An open-air shower overlooking the lake. Or better yet, jump right in the lake!

Laundry: Suds ‘em up in the lake!

Clothing of choice: A Chitenge – a brightly colored piece of cloth that can serve as a skirt, apron, backpack, or headdress, as needed.

Form of exercise: “Boot Camp” interval classes taught by Malawian guys. Or walking just about anywhere… this is a hilly town!

Favorite Lunch: The Ugandan Rolex: a flattened egg omelette with veggies, rolled in homemade chapatti bread.

Character trait God’s growing in me: Patience. Things move more measuredly in Africa!

Favorite way to pray: Out loud, on a rock surrounded by calm waters early in the morning.

Biggest surprise: Waking up to monkeys playing in the trees over my head.

Most unfortunate occurrence: A flu-like sickness going around. It hit five of us before we could say “Malawi!”

Fun Fact: Most of the other volunteers here are from the U.K. (we get to practice our British accents!). But really, we are grateful to be able to relate to a culture so similar to our own, especially as we get ready to re-enter the U.S. in a couple weeks.

What I am most excited for upon returning to the U.S.: Hugs.