Dear friends and family:

For the past 15 months I’ve been living off your support financially for the work I’ve been doing. These past couple weeks I’ve been reflecting on my time on the mission field and what it means to be supported. From the bottom of my heart I want to say thank you. Your prayers and finances have allowed me to impact people in over 20 countries. You’ve allowed me to hold the hand of dying women, rock street kids to sleep, cry with prostitutes, feed the homeless, and through that learn my calling and grow into the woman I was created to be. These experiences have changed my life and I am forever grateful that you’ve granted me the freedom to do this.

Recently, I had dinner with a homeless man who told me that talking to me is the highlight of his week. I sat with another man (who’s nicknamed me “happy”) who’s been in jain for 20 years and just wants something to hope in. I sit with these man and women week after week and wouldn’t be able to do this without you.

I am writing this because I would like you to hear my
heart on support raising and why I am asking you/have asked you to invest in me. Honestly, I
never thought I’d be in a situation where I’d even be asking for support and
living on faith for other people to provide. I’ve had a job since I was 15 and
worked hard through college to meet my own needs. Even going on the World Race
was a challenge because I knew I would have to “ask people for money.” What
I’ve learned though, is it’s much more than just giving and receiving money,
it’s an investment. I don’t want you to just give money, but create a
partnership to do the Kingdom’s work. I believe that people are looking for
other people to invest into to go into the nations and do the work that they
may not be able to do right now, and I want you to believe in me enough to be
that person.

My commitment to my partners:

*Regularly let you know how God is blessing the ministry

*Share prayer concerns with one another

*Using my time wisely and effectively while on the field

*To work diligently to touch the lives of people around the
world for Jesus Christ

*Making integrity and servanthood a top priority

So this is a thank you to all my past, present, and future supporters who enable me to do what I was created to do- love the unloved and give hope to the hopeless. G42 is not just another program I am going through, but a springboard to launch me into my calling- to be a voice for those who don’t have one throughout the world.

Yesterday, I started my second and final term here, and so now I only have three short months left at G42 until I’m released to “say amen” and do my plan. While I’m excited about that, I know I still have a ton of growing to do and these next three months will be a lot of work. However I do have a financial goal to meet rather quickly. You can click here to learn how to support me financially. Also, to see videos about what God is doing here, you can follow
these links:

Thanks! I love you all. Please drop me a line when you have a chance.