To be honest, I struggled when we first got to Mozambique. We arrived in Vilanculos, got out of the van (after 17 hours) and had to walk two kilometers with our pack through the bush to get to Jaco’s house. For the next three weeks we would be tenting. This is the girl who has never been camping. We didn’t have a lot of money this month so we ate watery oatmeal every morning for breakfast, peanut butter and bread for lunch, and a mac n’ cheese pasta thing for dinner. Our living conditions were unlike anything I’ve ever been in and I found myself pooping in a hole (or the cornfield), showering with a bucket behind some bamboo, and sleeping in my tent with the bugs, which was freezing at night.
But I ended up getting over myself and my fear of being dirty and bugs and God blessed me with some awesome “moments” in da bush. Here are my favorites:
Our first Sunday when we were at Jaco and Maria’s we prayed for people after church. One lady came up to us and said with tears in her eyes “pray for my husband; he just tested positive.” I had known AIDS was a huge problem in Africa, but this was the first time I was faced with the reality of it. It moved me with compassion.
The lake at Jaco’s house.
Spectacle, Koinonia, Indelible, and Manna all stayed together this month to form the “SKIM Squad.” It was awesome to be able to minister alongside these brothers and sisters We formed real “Acts 2 Community.” We combined all of our food and cooked and ate meals together, prayed together, got woken up at 4 am by roosters together, and supported each other in a month where community was needed. I am grateful for these people in my life last month.
Kids outside our tents.
One night we went to the hospital to pray and sing over people and my heart broke as I touched babies that were so hot your hand would burn when you touched them. There was no electricity, just 4-10 beds per room. I was filled with compassion for these people as we prayed over them.
The church we worked with.
Jaco took 6 of us to an island where white people have never been. We faced a lot of difficulties and opposition in getting there, but 11 hours later, when we finally stepped foot on the island, it was amazing. You could feel that the Lord is going to move on that island and it ended up being awesome!
The Island Team!
I learned to be content in every situation, knowing the Lord placed me
there for a reason, and he blessed us for “choosing in” this month.