Are you Hungary for Righteousness in Budapest? Zack made that up an it became our team slogan as we spent our first week of this month in Budapest, Hungary. It was definitely one of my favorite places on the Race and a city I can see myself going back to at some point in my life. We stayed at the YWAM base and did ministry with the DTS students (street evangelism, coffee houses, ect.) It was a great week and we didn’t want to leave to go to Rome (although we are so blessed to be in Rome now). Anyway, here are some pictures of Budapest!
The Parliament building, white bridge, and the castle on the waterfront.
Some of the castles and buildings in Budapest.
Spectacle acting like the statues of the heroes/kings/saints of Hungary.
 More from the heroes/kings/saints of Hungary.


Metro fun, Spectacle’s signature bored pose at the Annoymous statue, and a Friday night coffee house.
Me and Kelsey from YWAM and the view of Budapest from the castle.
The Weeping Willow Memorial for the 550,000 Hungarian Jews that died in the Holocaust, and the 2nd largest synagogue in the world (the 1st is in NYC).
Overlooking the city, Dave and I leading worship on the street at night, and a lion statue downtown
Halloween at the YWAM base. I was Pastor Dave Brown and Anna was a runner!
Anna’s 25th birthday. Take a close look at the Mexican banner Dave and Zack made her… 
Budapest at night. The shoes in the picture on the right are from the Jews who were thrown into the river during the Holocaust. They were collected during the war and set along the sidewalk as a memorial.