Sorry this is late. The internet in Haiti is slow and scarce so it’s taken me a while to post.
I can’t believe I’m finished my first month on the World Race and I’ve already had tons of experiences that are shaping me. I have attached my newsletter from the Dominican Republic. I had a great month and the relationships I built with the people in the slum of Guachupita are ones that I will cherish for a while.
On Tuesday we made it to Haiti after 16 hours of traveling (that’s short compared to Cambodia in March). My team is in the city of Jacmel, which is the richest part of Haiti, but the poverty is probably 90% worse than America. If the power decides to come on for the day, we have it for about four hours, which I’m actually enjoying because I’m able to live like the Hatians, without the rights I have as an American. Needless to say, I won’t be able to blog or e-mail a lot this month.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support. I miss you all. Please keep me updated with your lives ☺