I forget that I have been living in Africa for the last 2 1/2 months, we’ve adjusted and now this is our “normal”. It’s normal to hear the markets bustling at 6 am, it’s normal now for us to be driving in the wrong side of the car on the wrong side of the street, for bucket showers and hand washing clothes, for riding in the back of pick ups and dodging traffic to cross the street (“if you can dodge traffic, you can dodge a ball”). This has become my life.

   Last night I was reminded that I was not in America while talking to my teammate Micah. I was telling him that my friend Melissa makes bomb spaghetti and for the last two years she has made my birthday cake with frosting that is so good it will clog your arteries. That’s when I was reminded that that would not be the case this year and that just because I’m in a different country,doesn’t mean that I won’t turn another year older.

   My next deadline for the race is October 31st and I still need to raise about $3,000. I ask you to partner with me in celebrating my 22nd birthday on September 17th by donating $22.

   I want to thank you for donating thus far and for your continual prayers. Help me blow out the candles for my 22nd Birthday!