This month, I had an opportunity to watch someone’s life change before my very eyes.
I’m on the world race. Change happens. Often. 
Countries, cities, faces, weather- it all changes in an airplane or bus ride. 
We’re changing too. We’re learning and growing and breaking and God is molding us. I know I’m changing, but it’s been hard for me to process any internal change because of all of the external change.
In the Philippines, I knew Jodi’s life was changing. 
I knew that the person sitting with me at the breakfast table would be a different person at the dinner table because of the prison visit in-between.
 Her story, her life changed, as she worked to change the stories of a handful of forgotten boys in a prison cell.

I saw Marissa change as well. After every conversation with her favorite, Kikim, she was different. I’m sure the difference was for many reasons, but I think the main one was the realization that God orchestrated this out perfectly. He planned for Marissa, the news reporter, to talk to Kikum, the 17-yr old ‘murderer.’ Anyone could have gone to the prison and shared a smile and a verse. Marissa shared her heart. Because of that, I know Kikum’s life is changed.
Their story is a couple of blogs long, but it is worth the read
 His story became her story. Her story became His story. And it all comes together in God’s story.