
I’m walking down a road that looks familiar, but I don’t think I’ve ever been here. A few people from my team are with me. We are laughing, talking, joking, and then I see her- A stooped over woman with her back turned to me.

Fear creeps in my heart at the sight of her and I stop. My team turns to look at me, but I don’t say anything. She turns and walks towards me. I can’t look away. She terrifies me, but I can’t look away. “Go” I say to the evil inside of her. She smirks, shrugs and walks away.

I feel sick.

We continue walking and rest by a hill. There is something wrong, I think to myself. I maybe say it out loud, but no one answers. Then, I hear screaming. I look around, confused, trying to find the source before realizing that it’s coming from my mouth. I then feel my body being lifted up, pulled towards the sky. I’m flying. Not in a good way; In a very scary way. I am then thrown to the ground, where I lay, convulsing and screaming.

I wake up,
shaking on the bed,
and then I am frozen.
I can’t move. I’m not even sure if I can breathe.
I feel heavy. I feel dark. I feel scared.

This is evil, I think. “All I have to do is call upon the name of Jesus, and it’s gone.

But… a thought in my head, “What right do you have to call upon God? When was the last time you read your bible?”

The thought is right. I’ve been on the outs with God the past few days. I’m stubborn and foolish sometimes. This is one of those times.

What right do I have to call upon God? I think.

But… wait. What right do I ever have to call upon God? What have I done to deserve salvation? What have I done to deserve His love? Nothing.


Because it’s not about me. It’s not about what I’ve done or will do. It’s about Him. And He says I am His and He is mine.

Regardless of what I do, it doesn’t change my status: I am God’s. I am precious to Him and at the name of Jesus-my precious saviour- evil flees.

I think these things while lying, frozen, on the bed.

Thank you Jesus for saving me.” I say.

Immediately, I can move again. I can breathe again.

What an awesome God.