For God to be unfaithful now would be a first. There has never been a time that He has let me down or proven untrue anything He’s ever promised. I’m in the process now of finalizing my first fundraiser, and I am completely awed at what God has done through it: the things He’s taught me, and the blessings He’s brought. It’s been hard and sometimes scary and lots of times exhausting, but I know it’s for a reason that God has me in this.

     My Father says: “He gives power to the faint and weary, and to him who has no might He increases strength, causing it to multiply and making it to abound.” (Isaiah 40:29) In my life, I like most to be self-sufficient. I don’t like to be “needy”. I’m beginning to understand, however, that unless I “need”, I won’t receive. God doesn’t give power to the powerful or strength to the strong. It is only in a place of weakness that He can demonstrate His power and strength, and that is exactly the place in which He wants me. He wants me to put aside my own abilities and self-sufficencies and learn to rely totally on Him. Apart from Him I am nothing, anyway.

     I see fundraising in a complete different way than I ever did before I began this journey of preparing for the World Race. God helped me see that by allowing people to give financially in this time of need, I am also allowing them to send “seeds” with me to be planted, and that a portion of the harvest will go back to them. I can’t do this Race alone. I need people: prayer and financial supporters. You are sowing seeds by sowing into my life, and the harvest will surely be great. May God richly bless each one of you who have already generously donated or supported me in my first fundraiser. My heart is enlarged with gratitude for each of you. I am trusting Jesus to help me reach my first goal of $4,000 by September 25. If any of you feel inspired to give, now is always a great time! Again, thank you. And as always, may you be blessed one-hundred fold. 

(Ps. I feel I should include this testimony as a quick inspiration and praise to Jesus: one of my friends who herself was going on a mission trip in a few weeks donated an amount of money to me. Within a matter of days, someone else gave her more than twice the amount of money she gave me, to use for her trip! Sometimes God gives more than a hundred fold in return. Moral of story: God can be trusted; don’t be afraid to step out in faith.)