Hello everyone!
Sorry I’ve been a bit slow with the blogging. Several wonderful things
have happened that have made my blogging process slow!

Friday was my last day of work. It was a busy few weeks leading up to
it, and it was with mixed emotions that I finished. I love my job, feel
so blessed to be there, and do not take for granted the fact that not
many people are as blessed as I am in their employment. In the past few
weeks, being so busy though, has confirmed the fact that I need to have
some time to mentally, physically and spiritually prepare for missions.
I realize I am at a pivotal point in my life and am now excited to have
the time and energy to transitioning to this new part of my ministry
with God.

Also, I must say an enormous THANK YOU to everyone
who supported and attended the benefit dinner held for me on March
28th. It was the perfect way to finish my job- with so many important
people to me in the same room together. The night was filled with
laughter and love and the memory of it will be with me forever,
especially over the next year of my life. The support I have received
in friendship, prayer and finances is overwhelming. Again, thank

Finally, I am off to training this week. Training is
officially held from 6pm on Friday, April 4th until 12:00pm on Sunday,
April 13th. Extra prayers this week are really appreciated leading up
to and including all of training.
Specifically, please pray for:

The administration of AIM during training
Cohesiveness and a spirit of love between the team
An openness for everyone to learning, growing, breaking free of barriers etc.
For Christ to work in each of us, how He wants to!
Safety, security and closeness in relationships
Increased wisdom and discernment about ministry

Thanks again to everyone. I will keep you updated on training.
Much love, Anna