We have team changes super soon so I just want to spend some time reflecting on how the Lord has used these 6 women in my life over the past 4 months. Here are some words that come to might when I think of these last several months:

GINORMOUS amounts of laughter
Jesus blowing our minds
Desmonds (our affectionate name for bed bugs & other creatures that disturbed us)
Growth in spiritual discipline
Consistent prayer
Russian Accents

I have genuinely come to love these women like my own sisters.
I knew I could be my completely weird self. I knew I could share my heart & anxieties. I knew that they would always be there to laugh with me about the shambles of daily life on the race. I knew they would always encourage me to pursue the Lord more in spiritual discipline rather than giving into complacency. I knew that I could be honest with them about my struggles & not feel judged. I knew they wouldnt give me that Jesus answer when all I needed was someone to say: Me too or sit with me in the struggle bus.

I knew that I was in a safe community: FULLY KNOWN & FULLY LOVED.



Leah B.
One of the most intentional people when it comes to pursuing the locals despite whether she FEELS like it or not. I constantly was pushed to stay focused on the souls & potential relationships around us rather than my feelings. She has also been our awesome treasurer. Ive learned how to better manage money from watching her steward the finances so well.

Leah S.
This woman loves to cook and can literally whip anything up from scratch without looking at a recipe. I learned that there are people who really adore children & love spending more than 2 hours with them! (I am just fully aware that I dont have a natural gifting for the tinies) I literally saw the delight that Jesus had for the little children that came to Him in the Bible, every time Leah saw children or got the opportunity to teach them. I also learned to appreciate the arts in a new way, hearing Leah talk about her love for broadway show tunes & acting. Something I’m not normally drawn to but definitely have a better understanding of now.

WHAT A STINKIN ROCK STAR! I mean this woman is probably one of the most genuinely curious people you will ever meet in your life. She is so intentional about asking questions & getting to know people. She doesnt just flippantly ask a question & move on with the satisfaction of a one word answer. She digs deep. Not because she wants to intrude on your life but because she cares so much about where you are at & how she can support you in whatever you are going through. If you want to know what it looks like to pursue someone in an unselfish way, live with her for 4 months. Scratch that, spend time with her for a day & you will be BLOWN away! Oh and even get me started on her RADICAL obedience to the Lord & what He is calling her to do, not matter how uncomfortable it may be!! ๐Ÿ™‚

Our fearless leader & my sweet bicker twin. She showed me consistency through sticking to check-ins, feedback, prayer & time with Jesus EVERY SINGLE DAY! She also walks in incredible boldness & know her authority in Christ. Even though we loved & fought like sisters, this forever friend taught me so much! Keeley was so quick to turn to the Lord in prayer rather than trying to depend on her own understanding. She also pursued Jesus on a DAILY, ROUTINELY basis.

Constant pursuit of Jesus & vulnerability. Those are the words that come to mind when I think of my other forever friend, Abbles :). She SHINES with the joy of Jesus. I learned what it looks like to be honest about where you are at & then take it and process it before the Lord rather than complaining or trying to fix it on our own. Abby delights in others delights with a genuine enthusiasm. Her sweet words & goofy ways were always a bright spot in our days. Also she showed me that there are people in the world just as weird as I am! ๐Ÿ™‚

One word: spiritual discipline. This woman sets her mind on something & does it. She doesnt mess around. Her relationship with Jesus is so deep & special to her. She is committed to growth with Him & will do what needs to be done to get there. Courageous & wise also describe Maggles. She isnt afraid to say what needs to be said, but really seeks the Lord in how to say it rather than depending on her own words. She taught me how to delight in creation & look for the way that it reflects the character of the Lord. She is down to earth. She doesnt allow stress to rock her boat. Steadfastness is the sail in her boat. I also showed me the proper way to say table, because apparently I have been saying tavel for all these years….oops.

JESUS has been so good. I was BLOWN AWAY by the blessing of this team & its gonna be hard to not spend the last 3 months of the race with them, but I know the Lord is so sovereign. He placed us together for a season & that season has come to an end for now. SUPER DUPER EXCITED for Africa!! Also excited to see what the Lord has in store for my next team. ๐Ÿ™‚