We have had the incredible opportunity to teach English & share the love of Jesus with kids in four Buddhist schools over the last week & a half! The children were sweet & mostly well-behaved. 🙂

It was such a mind boggling concept for us to experience something that we wouldnt get to in the states. I mean we got to openly proclaiming the name of JESUS in the public school setting!! Lots of the teachers & students wore Buddha necklaces & Buddha statues were placed around each school as well. English is so highly desired that our host can make a rule that if we aren’t allowed to teach about Jesus, then we wont be teaching English either. That would NEVER happen in the states! Our team still talks about how HUGE it was that we got to bring truth, hope & life into a community devoted to a lifeless religion. This reality brought motivation on the days we struggled to want to teach. 


(One of my favorite students, he’s a total stud!)

At the end of our time at each school we acted out several Bible stories, shared why Jesus was so important to each of us & sang several kids songs. Below is a video of us leading the kids in the song “My God is so Big & So Strong & So Mighty”. We felt like a girl band with such a massive lump of kiddos singing & dancing so close to the stage. We decided our girl band name is “TEACHER” because thats what the kids would yell at us everytime they saw us. Yesterday,we signed at least 15 autographs before leaving the school…I’m not kidding! Haha