… and unprepared in every way!
Only 22 days left to spend with my beloved family and friends!
Only 22 days of my mom’s home-cooking!
Only 22 days of waking up in my warm and cozy bed!
Only 22 days left of waking up in this house I call a home!
Only 22 days left of smelling this sweet North Carolina air!
Only 22 days of texting my beloved friends incessantly on my phone! 
Only 22 days of Words with Friends!
Only 22 days of Angry birds!!!! 
Only 22 days to play with Andy&Caleb!
Only 22 days of listening to my cousin on his guitar!
Only 22 days with the Macs on Hearthstone Lane!
Only 22 days with all the hippies in my town! 
Only 22 days with my family at newhope church!
Only 22 days to savor the winter season of 2011!
… the list goes on and on …
Only 22 days till I embark on this incredible journey!
This is so crazy! 
Only 22 days till I leave all this behind for a while and be used in a way that I cannot even fathom in this stage of life. 
Only 22 days till life’s calling turns from taking exams and writing papers to reading stories of hope to kids at orphanages… or honestly, 22 days till life’s calling turns from known to unknown, from seen to unseen, from stories of miracles to experiencing them. In 22 days, my life is going to change in a way that I don’t think I am ready for. But He who placed each star in this night sky calls me by name to put aside everything and follow Him into this adventure, His adventure for me, this path He has set apart and paved for me, for my team and for all of us who embark on this journey.
22 days!