To all my supporters:

I have been inspired by some of my fellow squadmates to clarify something in the support letter I posted (and sent in hard copy) to some of you.

By God's amazing grace my financial need has been met (and was already met) before I even applied to the World Race. That said please pray for my whole squad (V squad) and consider supporting those that are still raising funds. Some of the racers I am aware of that need some help in reaching the first deadline (this Friday) include:

Ashley Beaudin

Jourdan Boyd

Jesse Howell

Ben Boynton

Katherine Ann Tompkin

Michael Lacore

On each person's blog there is a donate or support me link which allows you to make a donation directly to that racer.

Also please consider visiting the blog of these and other teammates on V squad so that you can pray more specifically for the many kinds of needs and requests we all have for this journey.

As always thank you all very much for your prayers, support and encouragement.

P.S. For any of my squadmates reading this please add anyone else you know in need of help in the comments.