Friends, family, wonderful supporters – this will be among the last blogs I post for the next several weeks (I know I’ve promised blogs and not yet delivered… I promise, they are still coming… we’ve been so busy).  My squad is headed into a country where any mention of Christianity, being seen with a Bible in public, or even the word Missionary can get us not only thrown out of the country (yeah – THAT would be a fun phone call), but can get our contacts removed from their cities and possibly jailed… or worse. 
My team, and two other teams, are going to be in a location where sending or receiving a single e-mail with a wayward word in it could put the ministry in jeopardy.  For this reason, I will be going dark.  No communication.  No phone calls.  No e-mails.  No snail mail.  Nothing.  Please trust that I am safe wherever I am.  If some major natural disaster hits, please DO NOT WORRY.  And please please please DO NOT CALL Adventures In Mission (AIM).  The country we are going to is HUUUUUUGE (so big that 1/5 of the world’s population lives there).  If anything should happen to my team, I PROMISE you the folks at AIM will do everything they can to communicate with my parentsSo, unless you hear something from Pete or Sue, please don’t worry.  This is a case of No News is GOOD NEWS!  Just please PRAY for us! 

Short codicil here: My team will be spending our first week doing some training in Hong Kong, so there is a distinct possibility that I MAY be able to post another blog before we head out.  As of 9pm (EST) on October 30th, I will have to hand my laptop over to a contact here in Hong Kong where they will store it until the end of November when the squad heads to Nairobi, Kenya.  From there, I will be able to share some details about the month of November, but please understand that to protect the people still living in the country, my pictures and words may not be as brilliant or as descriptive as usual.      

Know that I love you all, and I will be thinking of you often!