Back in June when I signed up for the world race, I simply had no idea… I did not know that God was about to rearrange everything on the inside including a spiritual lifestyle makeover, and I really didn’t understand how far I would be thrown outside of my nice little comfort zone… and so far, I’m only talking about these few months leading up to the start of this quest. And this is it, it is a quest, My heavenly Father has challenged me to seek Him like never before, search for Him where I would have never looked before and set my life to “be about my Father’s business”. In this process I expect God to reveal to me, my own heart, discovering my true identity in Christ Jesus my Savior.

       These are the thoughts that are helping me get through the nausea I’m experiencing since I booked my flight to the starting point. It’s all been finalized; I will leave my home, my family and the comfort of my country on Jan 5th 2008. Lima, Peru will be our first home away from home! Exciting! I will keep you posted as more details come to the surface.

       For those who can hardly wait for the definite details, a sample itinerary with blogs is attached for your viewing.

       Support update; funds are coming in and thank you again to those who are partnering with me financially. But I still have not met the halfway mark.. Continue to pray, favor is beginning to emerge, God will provide!

Month 1: Mexico: By the end of our stay in Arroya Palinque (Mexico), the locals had let go of their watertower suspicions of us and had really started to show us their beautiful golden smiles. They finally warmed up; I loved it. It was priceless. Read more at Reminiscing Mexico over greasy chicken in Antigua


Month 2: Guatemala: Today I added one more thing to my growing list of once in a lifetime experiences. I got to climb an active volcano in Guatemala! It was absolutely amazing! Read more at Lovin’ Guatemala!!


Month 3: Nicaragua: While we were finishing up our last week in Mexico, we were told about the potential ministry sites in Nicaragua. There were three possibilities – one of them being dump ministry. My home for the month is among the people who live in the barrios surrounding the dump. He is drawing me to the “poorest of the poor”, the “outcasts of the outcasts,” the “nobodies among the nobodies,” the “forgotten among the forgotten.” Read more at Down in the Dumps


Month 4: Costa Rica: As we were saying goodbyes, a flood of memories came back to me of all the great things that happened here in Costa Rica… I mean just look at this picture. Does that look like the heart of a lonely old man dying inside anymore? Christ gave him back his life! And now he is living it to the full. Read more at pura vida

Costa Rica

Month 5: Argentina: I really loved the feeling of the people and the culture of the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina. I went to my first soccer/futbol match and loved it. So far it wins the award for my favorite city of the World Race. Read more at Boca es mi passion


Month 6: Peru: Hey everybody! We all arrived really early this morning in Lima, Peru. We got off the bus after mucho hours of travel and there were a ton of people from the church waiting to welcome us and give us giant hugs. It was so precious. I was super tired but felt touched by the love of the people. Read more at I’m in Peru!


Month 7: South Africa: Our last night in Africa was spent enjoying the native flora and fauna of the land. Our kruger Safari a few weeks ago satisfied our appetite for watching the lions sleep, hearing the baboons howl, smelling the elephant dung and even touching baby snakes… Read more at “Chow Down” – Adios Africa!

South Africa

Month 8: Mozambique: The time we have spent in Africa has been amazing. God is so good, and I am so thankful for this adventure he is taking me on… I think we all know that Africa is in need, but to come here and see it makes me want to do all I can to help them. I want to encourage the body of Christ to come to Africa or to look at Africa and ask God what you can do. Read more at Consuming Fire in Mozambique


Month 9: Swaziland: Here we were 3 women in the middle of the bush in Swaziland, in a place that has hardly seen foreign missionaries, showing them that God sees them and knows them and loves them… And people asked for prayer for happiness, for people in their family to stop dying, for healing for family members dying of AIDS, for children that had run away, for their babies to stop being sick, for children that were psychotic, the list continues. Read more at In the land of Swazi


Month 10: Botswana: We arrived in Maun, Botswana last week. Yes…it is right in the middle of the desert. This is actually the Africa I was waiting to experience. Even desiring this experience, I am getting a glimpse into why the Israelites were so frustrated with wandering around the desert for 40 years. Read more at Life In The Desert


Month 11: Thailand: I have not been able to sleep much since we have arrived in Thailand. It is right here. My mind and heart has been caught up with ‘the girls’. It is happening all around you. I can hear their cries in my spirit. Look around and see it. The oppressive spirit is sinking into my bones. Though not outwardly visible, it is here. Do not be tricked. My being cannot rest… Read more at Bangkok


Month 12: China: “Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.” Psalm 37:4. That was my exact prayer today because the desires of my heart were for the Lord to touch this little boys life in ways that he couldn’t comprehend. I had just come from the internet and decided to chat with Sarah outside our room when the head monk asked us if we would like to join him for a ritual. We were a little perplexed but gladly agreed. Read more at From Boy to Monk
