Sept. 2007 is a foundational moment to be marked in my history books! The first training camp for the Jan. ‘08 World Racers!

My 1300 mile journey to Gainesville began at 4am. By the time I was seated on the plane, I was overwhelmed. I don’t know if it was all the unknown challenges I was about to face or the fact that I thought a 6 am flight would be the fun thing to do. I arrived at the ATL airport anxiously wondering about the racers I was about meet. It turned out to be a great day! I realized my fears about my teammates were unrealistic. I was kind of expecting to be among a group of bible thumping evangelists ready to take on the world, and that I would not meet their criteria as a fellow racer. But what I found was absolutely precious. A fire burning within each heart, crying out to be used by God in the most humble manner. A passion for Jesus, marinating them from the inside out. A group of people just like me!

The staff at AIM exceeded my hopes for what this organization would represent. Each detail carefully planned and prayed over to ensure a revelatory experience that would carry us through the next phase of this mission, the 3 month preparation process and then into fulltime ministry.

By day 3 it felt as though we had already been through 4 whole weeks worth of university classes. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we ventured into the depths of our hearts uncovering and healing hurts from the past, seeking for truths about who God has created us to be, and building foundations of truth in which we will live by.

In those few days, I watched God open the doors of my heart that have been closed for years. I was finally able to give myself permission to be who I really am inside. The exact person God created me to be. How restoring!?!

As the days went on, things remained intense but in many different ways. Friendships grew, realms of faith were expanded and the reality of what the world race is all about began to sink in. I have taken home with me, revelations about who God is and His heart to restore the nations!

Over the next 3 months I will need your prayers! Please pray for my support raising, and for the fundraisers that I am trying get off the ground. And don’t forget to SPREAD THE WORD! Check out the link to my support letter and share that too! Many blessings for you all!