
“Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return.”

-Leonardo da Vinci-

Thanks Leo for summing up exactly how I’ve been feeling.

For at least 2 months I’ve had dreams almost every night of me in Africa with children. I’m teaching, loving, laughing, doing life, where ever it is I am. Then I wake up… When I’m not dreaming of Africa I have dreams of children in terrible helpless situations finding their way to freedom, sometimes through the worst chain of events I have ever seen but nonetheless, they find their way out. I wake-up wondering what it all meansand I still don’t have an answer.

My life has been blessed. I have an apartment, a job, and, and lots of people who care about me but no matter how I seek out people, ministry, and prayer to make me content. I can’t seem to overcome the longing to be overseas. 

So, I don’t have anything incredibly uplifting or earth shaking for this post. I just need to tell you where I’ve been lately. Where my mind has been. I’m not necessarily struggling. I’m filled with joy, surrounded with love, constantly excited and in awe of the things God is doing. I’m just not content, not completely at peace. My dreams are bigger than me and I’m not sure how to reach them right now. With God sized dreams comes the need for God sized patience. No one ever said being refined would be fun. Patience is not my strong suite… I guess God decided he’s gonna work that right out of me.