So I realized that I have left most of you in the dark with what is going on with World Race stuff and camp life.


So at Camp Geneva we are on Week 6 already! Time is flying by so quickly. I have been learning a lot here, but I am still struggling with a lot of things. Sometimes I feel as if I have taken on too much by working at camp and trying to do stuff for the World Race. I know that it is all in God’s hands and its under control, but that doesn’t make it any easier. Thank you so much for your prayers and encouragement. Financially I have roughly $3000 raised by support letters alone. I think that’s pretty good!! Please continue to keep everything that encompasses the preparations for leaving on the World Race in your prayers.

Back onto the topic of camp, so it’s week 6,  and I am going to be a lifeguard this week instead of a day camp counselor. The past few weeks of being a day camp counselor have been great. For the most part my campers have been fantastic. Week 1 I had all girls and I loved them to death. Week 2 I had another group of all girls and they stayed the night on Thursday. Those girls were crazy and fun. Week 3 I finally had some boy campers in my group and the entire group was your typically 2nd grade kids. Week 4 my group was amazing. If they couldn’t do something as a group they didn’t want to do it. Week 5 was a more difficult week for me. I had a really homesick camper that wouldn’t leave my side and peed on me, the bible study of 7 questions took almost an hour and a half, but they bonded fairly well and didn’t really complain about anything. It will be different not having my own group of campers this week, but I am excited to get the chance to spend that time bonding with my adopted cabin and building up staff relations :D.

Training camp is in 6 days and I am so excited! I leave on Saturday!! I can’t wait to meet my teammates and learn what to expect! Please keep this in your prayers as well. I promise to share as much info as I can when I get back from that.

Unfortunately this is about as long as this is going to get because I still have to finish up a few other things before curfew. Know that I am extremely thankful for your love and support! I promise to try to do better at keeping you all updated.