I’m at my first Ministry site. Los Gozosos. Already I have a joy in my heart about being here.
There are 10 kids in this orphanage and each of them has such amazing personalities.
One of the kids here grabbed my heart right away.
She was in the car when the host picked us up.
She’s 18 years old, non-verbal but has the biggest smile ever!
Her name is Nancy, and she carries around her favorite toy, a toy guitar.
While driving to our ministry place she was rocking out with it in the car.
Through her smile and just joyful laugh,
She has become more confirmation to me as to why I am here.
To bring Love to those who have no Love. 

Here is a little history of Nancy’s story
“Nancy’s family; her mother, brother, and two sisters live in a shack made of corrugated roofing steel with a dirt floor on the steep slope of a mountain in a very dangerous area of the capital city.  Raw sewage from the houses on the cliff above runs through their house in an open ditch between the bedroom and the kitchen.  Since Nancy loves to play in water and she constantly put her hands in her mouth, she came to us with terrible parasites, worms, and infections.
Their father is married to another woman and has a family with her somewhere else.  He works sporadically in construction, drinks heavily, and is terribly violent.  He comes around to harass the family but is not responsible for them in any way. Our judge barred him from visiting Nancy in or home after he threatened to kill us for getting Nancy an emergency appendectomy and beating her mom and sisters in his frustration.
Her older sister (at 15 years old) failed school because of taking care of Nancy, and their mom had often lost her job over the same because Nancy needed 24 hour vigilance to keep her safe.
Nancy loves to clap and laugh.  She is usually the most joyful and really earns our name.  She has dramatic mood swings to crying with increasingly violent frustration.  She goes to school twice a week to breakup her routine.
She is trying to talk and is able to say a few more words.   A lot of her frustration is not being able to communicate though she understands everything that’s going on around her.” 

This is Nancy!

nancy- Los gozosos 
Los Gozoso nancy

Love ya Guys!

Andrew Ingrassia

P.S.- Keep me in your prayers! For continual great health and just an open heart to Love!
P.S.S- I have raised a total of $10,100! I still need $4,500 to be fully funded! Your support helps me share stories like this one with you!