Once we got into Vietnam, we have found an awesome coffee shop called Sozo. 
Below is the story of it and what it's all about.

The Sozo Story…
Since 1997, we befriended many of the children and families who worked on the streets for their living. as There is no future when you work on the streets, We were concerned for them and were looking for a practical way to give them a more stable life; there had to be more we could do.
We had the idea to sell American style Cookies to the growing number of foreigners in the city. In the summer of 2004 we bought a small steel cart that housed an oven for baking and selling, and began to teach one woman (Mong) how to bake. The small dream to help was at last happening.
The cart turned into a success (however not without it’s struggles) and it wasn’t long before other families we knew started asking for work. How could we help so many people with such a small operation? We knew we had to dream bigger. This is how the Sozo shops came into being. In April 2005, we opened our first shop in Bui Vien St., District 1. In September 2005, an article appeared in a national student magazine telling the vision of Sozo. The response to the article was overwhelming, and many students wanted to volunteer in Sozo, sharing with us their desire to help the poor in their own country. we started “English Corner” where 150+ students would come to practice their English. We are encouraging them to get involved in various projects helping the poor and needy.  Currently we facilitate over 10 community projects that are student based. Many are excited about doing something to give back to their country and their people!
April 2006 we opened a second shop specifically for students in district 10 and in March 2008 we opened 2 additional cafe floors at Sozo in Bui Vien St., amalgamating the 2 shops into one large one.
We  currently have 25 to 30 staff in our shop training program giving them basic skills of life, so that they will have a hope and a future. We are sending the children to school & sending some of the older ones to further education. they are learning how to bake, handle money, and run a business. Our aim is to change lives, restore hope and be available for any who are in need, to make a difference in the lives of ALL who come into Sozo and finally to do all things with excellence and for the glory of God! Thank you for supporting this venture!