Well when i arose this morning from a deep slumber.  I realized at 7 aclock when I woke up that all my team was gone. All their belongings were gone and in fact all the world racers were on their way out of South Africa, minus something, ME!  It was a little hard this morning knowing that my family that I have come to spend my life with for the past 4 months are now gone. And that I was left alone.  They are all on a long and I mean long bus ride to Mozambique while I will be traveling to Swaziland where I will have a little check up with Gary Black a World race leader who is stationed there.  So why am I going there I am sure all of you are asking.

So I guess it is only fair that I tell you. Basically I sometimes have a really bad attitude and don’t like to do things that I don’t like to do.  Now not all the time, but enough of the time that I really make people angry at me.  I guess in a way I do things that make people mad. And I have not been a very good team player.  I am not going to try and make excuses that I am being treated unfairly because I am more than likely not. I think of myself probably way more than I should and don’t think of those close to me as much as I should.  I do love the world race though and would hate to have to leave.  I think this experience has grown me so much and I can only hope that I will get to continue on to the end and see what God has in store.  I am really excited about this opportunity to step back for awhile and have someone speak into my life.  I want to change.  I want to love people with the love of Christ.  I want to not always think of me.  I want to love my team and serve them, but it is not easy.  Please pray for me as I have this time apart from the race to really focus in on what God has for me.  And that I would be open to all God wants to speak to me.  I love you all.  Thanks for your support.