I spent the last couple of weeks with my grandma who is dying of pancreatic
cancer.  I was sitting there in quite a bit of pain of my own due to my ruptured disc in my back.  I used some pain killers and it seemed to knock the
pain out enough that I could get to sleep.  I spent most of the day trying to sleep the pain away.  When I would get up sometimes my grandma would be up also, but it was hard to be up at the same time since both of us were trying to sleep through the pain.  One of the times I got up and my grandma
was up also we started talking.  She asked me how I was doing and I told her I was doing alright.  I was still in pain but managing.  I asked her how she was feeling and she said not very good.  I knew the pain was just tearing her up, even though sometimes she tried to act strong.  I told her
that I wished she didn’t have to go through the pain that she was going
through.  But she said that soon she would be going home to see Jesus
who is the ultimate pain killer, The only thing that can ultimatley
take our pain away.  So many times here on earth we try and mask the
pain with drugs or all these other things, but they are only
temporary.  None of them will last forever.  A little later on I was
sitting talking to my grandpa and he started crying and said that this
had to be one of the hardest things he has ever gone through in his 87
years.  He told me there is nothing worse in life then knowing that the love of your life was passing away and that she wasn’t going to be around any longer. 

I walked away from there wishing there was some sort of drug or anything that could take
away the emotional pain that we all go through when we lose someone
close to us.  But there is nothing.  In all this amazing age of technology and medicine there is nothing that
can make everything better. There is nothing that can make the pain go away.

 The only thing we can do is put our trust
in God that somehow, someway he will make things work out for the
best.  And one day, someday we will all be without pain, both physically and emotionally.  What a
wonderful day that will be.