Last night I arrived into Swaziland, one of the only Kingdoms left in the world which is pretty fascinating in its own right. I drove in with Collin and Kathy two seasoned missionaries who have been in Botwana for a long time, but are now going to be running a mission base for Aim for all of Africa here in Swazi. We moved a lot of their belongings up from South Africa into a large guest house that Aim has for an intern house. They are now gone.

I am now alone in a huge guest house and I mean huge. It has two stories and 5 or 6 huge rooms. It is amazing how lonesome I have been for my team. I sit in my big room or in the giant double person bathtub. I heard some of the team members saying how all they wanted was to get away from everyone and just have some time alone. I would have to say that I may have even been one of them. And now I am sitting here thinking through the choices that led me to this point. Was it worth it? Heck no it wasn’t worth it. This stinks. MY team is in Mozambique doing ministry. But I know I need this time, maybe that is why it is so hard. I know I need to change, I know I need this time to grow. But I guess I started to see today the beauty that is in my team and those that have been around me for so long. I understand now how much I took all that for granted. We all have choices everyday to love those around us or to be selfish and only think of ourselves. I realized today that being selfish and only thinking of ourselves, will sometimes leave us with just ourselves. STuck in a huge guest house all alone staring at a blank wall. I really want to start thinking of others, because others is what makes this life fun and interesting. Sure people will come and bug you, but at least they are there.

I guess what I am trying to say is Teams or families are put in our life for a reason, but it is up to us to cherish them. I guess maybe that is all it takes to help some one want to love those around us is to take those away.

I miss you team.
