I was trying to find a story for my blog theme and a very wise friend of mine shared this story with me and I thought it fit really well.

“Ok hold on for a second I have to go and get one last present for you,” the young lady said to her husband as she walked out of the room.

It had been a splendid Christmas for the two of them Complete with a wonderful Christmas dinner with all the fixings. It had been a hard year so there was not much money left over for presents, but what little they had seemed to get them by.

“Alright here it is,” she said to him handing him a small package, wrapped in old newspaper and covered in dust.

He slowly unwrapped the package and felt inside and soon realized that he had been given two lumps of coal.

He slowly picked each of them and placed them on his face right where his eyes should be. He slowly turned and looked at her and softly said, “Thanks hunny now I can see.”

For you see it was a couple of snowmen on Christmas and he had been given the best gift he had ever received, a pair of eyes.

When it comes to perspectives it is amazing on how when you look at something from a different angle how much it can change. Take for instance getting coal for Christmas. To most people it would be the worst present ever. But if you are a snowman it is the single greatest present you could ever be given.

Over the next year I want to take a journey on changing perspectives, I want to look at nothing the same way. And I hope that you as you follow along you will also be able to get a better perspective of what is going on around the world.

So many times I have been bombarded with the thought. Why didn’t I ever think of that, or I guess looking at it that way changes everything.

I want to go into every situation and find new perspectives of the same old thing and be able to share them back with you. I want a new perspectives of poverty, missions, ministry, faith, prayer, love.

I pray and hope that over the course of the next year all of our perspectives will be radically changed for the better. I hope that we will be ruined for what we used to think and instead be transformed to the mind of Christ. And that in turn we will be able to look at people differently, and love people differently and in turn see God differently and love Him Differently.