There are a lot of things you can buy for $15, such as;
3 coffees from the local coffee shop
1 pizza from wherever it is you love to get your pizza
1 movie ticket, popcorn, and soda
15 songs on iTunes
I’m sure you can think of plenty of other things I could add to this list these are just the first few that came to my mind.  These are good things and things that I too enjoy, but I am asking you to maybe give up one of these things each month from January to November.  Instead of the coffee, or pizza, movies, music, or whatever it is what if for 11 months you spent your $15 on one of the following.
Feeding AIDS orphans in Africa
Freeing women from Human Trafficking in Thailand
Loving the forgotten in Romaina
Show God’s love to the people of New Zealand
So I’m asking you, will you give up something in your life and donate $15 a month for 11 months to my World Race so that I can follow the call that God has placed on my life and love His people all over the world.  It isn’t about the countires I will see, it isn’t about the things I will do.  It’s about the people in this world who need love, who need to hear that Jesus loves them and died for them.  I want to share God’s love with them so much that I’m giving up a year of my life here in the states with my family and friends and the things I love.  Can you give up a coffee or something you enjoy to help me accomplish this goal?  If you can then click right here .  Whatever you donate is tax deductable.
Support Update
In my account – 4,926

Pledged for 2010- 1,232

Total – 6,158

 Still needed $7,642