This list is pretty funny and so true.  I wish I could say I made it up, but I didn’t It came from my teammate Rachael, she’s a funny person.

Ten things to know about World Racers in North East Thailand

1. We never know what day of the week it is
2. We think 80 degrees sounds like jacket weather
3. We celebrate any excuse to eat Mexican food
4. We are either completely stopped or really not (if you now what I mean)
5. We have learned where all the missing 7 11s from the states went
6. We believe that poop conversations are completely acceptable
7. We have given up on our feet ever looking clean
8. We will talk about a cool breeze for days after it happend
9. We have officially declared rice a four letter word
10. We are fluent in ta-lao-cam-thi (it is a very complicated language that involves only knowing how to say hello and goodbye in tagala, lao, thai, and khmer.)