The title of this blog is a line I took from my support coach Ashley. Basically saying that if it is God’s will that we are on this trip then He will take care of the funds being in our accounts in time.  She wrote this in an email I got last week. When I got that email I was freaking out. It said that we would find out this week if we had enough in our accounts and if we had followed through with what we were suppose to do enough so that we could go on the race. I know that I didn’t have enough in my account. It was at about $5,000 when I got this email.   I had been talking to some people, but it is a hard thing for me to ask for money. I don’t like doing it at all and I even told my mom that I would rather walk through the bush of Africa than fundraise. To say that this is the hardest thing about the race so far is probably true for me. So when I read that the end of this week would be the time we would know if we ere going or not I started to get worried. I had thought I might have a couple more weeks until that decision was made. I was afraid I hadn’t done enough to get to go. I started to kick things into high gear. I contacted lots of people and prayed a lot.  I prayed not just for the minimum I needed but I prayed big prayers that God would put exactly the total in my account before I left and do the same for my squad mates. Still, I felt very discouraged.

That Saturday I went to The Warehouse and did God speak to me or what! I have found the messages since the beginning in October very applicable to my life right now and very stretching, but tonight it seemed to speak very directly to where I was at the very moment. It was about trusting the promises that God has given. About constantly surrendering your doubts as to when the promise will be answered to Him, even if it means doing so every minute. It was about striving for something more and something bigger than you could ever dream and trusting God to get you there. Afterwards I had a great talk with our pastor and he said he felt like that message was really hitting home for me. I told him of my struggles earlier that day sitting with my phone not wanting to make phone calls to ask for people to help. Of my frustrations with this situation, but how I knew I was meant to go on this January trip and so that I knew God was going to do it I just had to be reminded to trust Him on it and that his message tonight really was helpful in that aspect.

Since Saturday I began to take every thought and doubt captive and when those came along pray that God would give me the faith to believe He would provide in time and that His will would be done. I have since gotten a fantastic response from everyone. I have about $225 a month is monthly pledges and some great one time gifts from friends and family. I have gotten some great donations from anonymous givers as well. To those who have given no matter what you have given I want to say thank you! I pray that God blesses you, because every single dollar that is donated is going to make a huge difference in this world. Your money is going to reach people all over this world and I am so thankful for that! I wish I could personally say thanks to each of you, but you know who you are and I am grateful for what you have given. Thank all of you for being the hands and feet of Jesus to me. You have let God use you to bless me as well. I have seen how He provides! It is amazing! Our God is a big God who is doing big things, and I’m blessed to be a part of that. I hope to soon be able to share with you even more amazing things He is doing.
So now I found out that I am going to leave in January.  I don’t have the 60% that they would like me to have in my account yet, butI my account has really grown in the last month (about a month ago it was at $3,000) and I have followed through on what was asked of me so I am being allowed to go out and we are trusting in faith that the rest of the money will come in.. 

Support Update

Total in account- $7,520

Total in pledges- $2,500

Total raised so far- $10, 020

Still Needed- $3,780 

If you can help there is still a need there and I would greatly appreciate your gift of any amount be it monthly or one time.