Dear Family and Friends, November 10,

Hello! I hope this letter finds you well. Much has changed in only a few months and the
Lord has used those changes to teach me perseverance, wisdom and patience. This being said, He has been preparing me for
a call toward missions. I was really
excited to find out about an opportunity to join Adventures in Missions, as a
part of their World Race Mission. I prayed,
applied and am now accepted! I plan to
leave in July 2008.

I will be traveling to around 11 countries, bringing the
Good News of Christ through service and word.
Every ministry in each individual country will be uniquely different;
the people, community needs, spiritual needs and culture. My desire is to serve
others and share the Gospel, while growing through each encounter and having to
depend entirely on God. During this
World Race, I will be discipled and trained in various areas of ministry and
missions. I will have the opportunity to
utilize my Spanish and to minister to people who need to hear of the hope and
salvation in Christ Jesus.

I am so thankful to have this opportunity. Trusting the Lord in the area of providing
financially will teach me more than I may have ever expected. Ultimately, my prayer is that He will do that
through you. It would give me so much
joy to partner with you financially and prayerfully in this ministry. I am specifically asking for five people who
will commit to pray for me each day until I return. Also, I must raise $1,255 each month to cover
travel and living expenses for a total of $13,800 for the entire eleven months. (Exceeding that goal would help me pay for
International Health Insurance, vaccinations and a flight back to the U.S. at the closing of the missions trip.) I have
calculated that if 50 pledged to give me $25 each month of my trip, I would
practically meet my goal! Please pray
about supporting me for one of these amounts, as one time gifts or monthly.

You can keep up with me on my
blog – and you may
also give online with credit card through my blog.

I have enclosed a response card and pre-addressed
envelope which invites you to share in this ministry. Please make check payable to Adventures in Missions. You may write “appealed by” and my name in
the memo section of the check if you wish. All donations should be mailed to
Adventures in Missions, P.O. Box 534470, Atlanta, GA 30353-4470. Including the
enclosed card will provide AIM with all necessary information. Adventures in Missions is registered with the
Internal Revenue Service as a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization. Donors will receive receipts for their gifts
with the understanding that the disbursement of those gifts lies completely at
the discretion of Adventures in Missions and that the gifts are non-refundable
and non-transferable, per IRS regulations.
Gifts may be tax deductible; please consult your tax advisor.

I have a feeling that I will be deeply humbled by the
process before as well as during the trip.
I hope not only to be a blessing to those I serve, but also to you. When I go, it will be because God has brought
you and me into His plan together. Thank
you so much!

In Him,

Andrea Lindquist