I write because the Living Word has placed a deep burden on my heart to bring hope to the nations. I want to clarify that I won’t be doing this because I follow a relative truth based on lofty ideals, and it’s especially not due to me being a good person. I will serve others in a way, you may discover, because Truth found in Christ has the ability to turn suffering into joy, death into life, and a burden into peace. This has been evident in my life because what He is, is what He claims to be. My passion is found in His absolutely perfect will, and has been so for the past five years since the day I wrote and realized, ‘He’s either everything or nothing, and He could never be nothing’.

My name’s Andrea, some know me as Dre. I realize I started out with some heavy stuff, but I wanted to lay that out first because truly, that’s most important — the rest are details. I graduated in May 2007 from UW-Eau Claire with a major in Latin American Studies and a minor in Teaching English as a foreign language. I treat learning languages like a pastime, I love it and I embrace that nerd inside! Some other likes would be hiking, traveling, painting, making bonfires, salsa dancing, reading, good conversations that keep you up for hours on end, spending time with family/friends and I thoroughly enjoy hot tea.

I’m from Wisconsin and am now living in Indianapolis, IN working as a Bilingual Assistant; a part of the ESL department in a public school district. My family and friends have been so encouraging to me through the years, and I really appreciate the support they are showing me now. Also, I must add that I’m a proud aunt of a precious newborn boy.

When I began recognizing the call from God to be a part of missions like this, the verse from

1 Corinthians 13:11 came to mind. “When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me”. It was time to no longer crawl like an infant, but rather, walk with Him as an adult. This being said, I expect my faith to be refined by a kind of intensity that I have not encountered so far. To feel utterly helpless by what I see, but be completely confident in the power of His Word. My desire is to learn, to teach, and to learn some more.

I want to understand what it means when Mr. Bonhoeffer said, “They have everything as though they had it not. They do not set their heart on their possessions, but are inwardly free”. Real freedom is radical in this world — change is inevitable and welcomed.

Finally, in the words of Bob Dylan,

“the present now will soon be the past
the order is rapidly fading
the first one now will later be last
for the times, they are a changin”