My team and I traveled up to Brasov for our last night in Romania because it was closer than taking the 10 hour train ride back down to Targu Mures then taking the train from there to the Bucharest Airport. Going to Brasov was a last minute decision so we didn’t know where we were going to stay for the night. We’ve gotten extremely used to that mindset and since we know God always provides, we just hit the road and went with the flow.

The following verse comes to mind when this type of situation presents itself: 

Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.

Matthew 8:20  

Following Christ isn’t always going to be easy. We may not always be one step ahead, we may not know where we’ll sleep or what we’ll eat but we DO know that God is always with us. He will make a way for us and He will provide what we need.

Look at the birds of the air: they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?

Matthew 6:26

click to zoom

To be able to depend on God for everything we need is quite an experience to say the least. The best part is that I never doubt that He’ll make it work out.   Sure we had to sleep on the floor of the train station one night, but He provided a roof over our heads and safety for the night. God is oh so good.

We were hugely blessed by one of the guys on another teams friends that lived in Brasov. Jason and Suzanne are missionaries that happened to live about 10 minutes from the station. They are such giving, friendly, open, generous people. They welcomed us into their homes, allowed us to use their kitchen (I paid them back by breaking one of their glass cups…oops!), and invited us to stay the night so we could save money instead of camping out somewhere. We had an amazing night’s sleep and got to the airport to head to Ireland with plenty of time to spare.

Praise God for watching over us and making sure we’ve stayed safe, have had a place to sleep and provided such God loving people to help us out in our time of need. 

It cracks me up how quickly somewhere becomes home to me at this point. I’ve slept in more places than I can count in the past two months.   Ashley and Anmari and I ran to the grocery store while everyone else went out to dinner and I caught myself saying that I couldn’t wait to get back home.  Home as in the place that we put our bags down 2 hours earlier. I’ve learned that I have one home in Howell, Michigan with all of my family and friends, and then I’ve also got homes scattered around Ukraine, Romania and now Ireland. 

I could not be more grateful to be where I am right now.  I know that this is where God wants me to be and He continues to bless me and shower me with His never ending and overflowing love, joy, grace and peace.


Man, He just keeps blowing my mind and I love it!

Next blog is gonna have some pictures from Dracula’s Castle so look forward to it!