*Expect the Unexpected* -that’s really all we can do!

I have
no idea what to expect from my mission trip. Part of me feels that the unknown should be scary, but I’m pretty excited
about it to be honest. I know this year
will be extremely challenging, the best things in life usually are. 

I don’t have
too many expectations going into this besides that it’s going to be an amazing,
life-changing journey that will be unlike anything I’ve ever experienced.  Sometimes I wonder if that’s expecting too
much, but then again, come on… we’re talking about serving God all over the world!

Over the next year, I’m expecting to…

Miss my family like crazy!

Miss my friends a ton

Miss holidays, birthdays and other
random happenings with my family.

Learn to live in cultures completely
different than my own

See the world…and take lots of pictures 🙂

Share the Word of God

Laugh, cry and everything in between!

Make life-long friends

Be overwhelmed at the things we’ll see
and experience

Meet different people from all over
the world

Be taken out of my comfort zone-physically,
mentally, emotionally, spiritually

Experience God’s love and

Pray…a lot.

Be broken down and then built back up
(I’m guessing this will happen a lot)

Completely rely on God for emotional,
physical and spiritual health

Take my relationship with Him to a
whole new level!

I can’t wait!

“For with the heart a person
believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses,
resulting in salvation. For the scripture says, whoever believes in Him will
not be disappointed.” Romans 10:10-11