Heeelloooo! (…Seinfeld, anyone??:)  My name is Andrea, and I am LoVinG life!   
I grew up in (what used to be a small town) in MI.  My mom and dad are two of the most amazing, selfless, encouraging, supportive people I’ve ever known. I’m the youngest of four kids; I have two older brothers and one older sister- I am so blessed to have been surrounded by their love and humor all these years!  I also have two sister-in-laws that fit so perfectly into our family, three awesome nephews and one little baby (niece or nephew-TBD) that will arrive in June that I cannot WAIT to meet! My family tends to share the same sense of humor which is beyond ridiculous so when we’re all together, it’s kiiind of like hanging out with all of my best friends. This may seem extremely odd to some, but like I mentioned, were not a normal bunch and I wouldn’t have it any other way  ๐Ÿ™‚

I graduated from Central Michigan University with a degree in Marketing. After graduation I moved back home, and got my first “real” job in sales at one of the leading software companies in the US.  I have been SO grateful for the opportunities I’ve had while working there and the amazing people that I know I’ll stay close with for years to come.

Some random facts about me: I love drawing and running! I’m definitely a go-with-the-flow type person.  The longer we can drag out a ridiculous joke, story or comment, the better!   I LOVE to laugh!…but really, who doesn’t? 

I color my hair..A LOT.  My sisters a hair stylist, what would you expect to happen?? ๐Ÿ™‚  I’ve always wanted to live near the ocean and have a palm tree in my front yard…since I’m currently living in MI (the complete opposite of the ocean and palm trees), I’ve covered  my room in island dcor…hey, I’ll take what I can get! ๐Ÿ™‚ Also, banana-blueberry pancakes are the best food ever created-powerful statement, I know.


I’m usually up for trying anything once, so try me! I went sky diving recently and absolutely LOVED it. We were on weather delay for a while, and when we were finally flying up, the most perfect sunset was taking place which made the fall even more incredible. God is so amazing. He reminds me that although we may want to rely on our own timeline, we need to wait until GOD is ready for us to move forward. He is willing and able to provide more than we could EVER imagine for ourselves.  

 I cannot wait to serve God all around the world.  I am ready to give up all that I know so that I can have a closer and more intimate relationship with Him.  To top it off, I get to tell others about Him so that they can experience the same love!  I believe we’re so accustomed to living a “comfortable” lifestyle-a nice house, a cozy bed, a full fridge, a car to get us here and there, knowing that whatever we need is in arm’s reach.  I have been so blessed with what God has given me and I appreciate it so so so much.  But ya know what? God is now calling me to get a little uncomfortable and I am pumped about that!  He is calling me to depend solely on Him for all of my needs and to rely on him with all of my heart, soul and being. I’m ready (or at least as ready as I can be) to be broken down so I can be built back up more in His image. 

I encourage you to read over this blog from another racer (Jeff Goins) to describe how I feel.  I couldn’t have said it better myself:  http://www.theworldrace.org/?tab=blogs&submenu=last10&qs=http://updates.theworldrace.org/index.asp~filename=i-want-to-change-the-world1


Although I can’t imagine at ALL what to expect out of this trip, I know that God will be with us from beginning to end.    If you feel led, please offer whatever support you’re able to- through prayer, financially or however else you may feel compelled! You will be blessed and God will provide the rest! … hey, that’s kinda catchy!

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” – Philippians 4:13

“Look at the nations and watch–Be utterly amazed.  For I am going to do something in your days that you not believe, even if you were told!” -Habakkuk 1:5