What: A Prophetic Worship Conference.
Where: Brasov, Romania.
When: The last 10-ish days.
Who: 250 World Racers, Alumni, Staff, and Coaches.
Why: To activate, encourage, celebrate, worship, pray, exhort, intercede, and commune.
The Awakening : Our Definition (I didn’t write this, someone clearly more talented with words did…)
Four World Race Squads at various points in their pilgrimage…
Racers who have gone before to hear the whisper…
Spiritual fathers and mothers devoting their lives to the awakening of a generation…
“You’re here because there’s a whisper… a rumor of another world that compels you.” -Michael Hindes
We are a generation called. We walk with an understanding that the Kingdom is at hand and the irresistible calling of that destiny exposes the insatiable desire for something greater. The World Race is part of that destiny, part of that movement that something larger than ourselves is brewing… and we can’t help but run after it.
(This is what I write…)
The Awakening was an incredible time of worship and fellowship that I was able to partake in right before I go back out on the field with my own squad. I found myself several times during this week wishing I was there with my squad– wanting them to be there seeing God do the things He was doing– and that longing got me all the more excited and expectant for what is ahead with this L Squad.
And so, in one week, we will go. This L Squad of 45 will Launch in Guatemala– and so I wait and pray in anticipation, excitement, and expectancy, that in one week, we will Launch into an 11 month journey of seeing God heal, break, teach, comfort, call, release, speak, and be glorified. We will see Kingdom, we will bring Kingdom, we will be Kingdom.
The Awakening was such a beautiful stirring of the Spirit in our World Race community– and I pray for that stirring to continue and grow as October 2009 walks into the darkness and brings the light!