Tonight begins Training Camp! The June squad is coming in to Gainesville, Ga all throughout the day today and we are anxiously waiting for these new members of our World Race family.
They will be going through all kinds of things in these next 10 days with the Lord. Please drench this whole body and camp in prayer. Here is a short list of specifics if you want to join in and be a prayer warrior with us!
1. Pray for the new squad–that they would walk in with open hearts, minds, eyes, and ears. Pray that they would encounter God in new, intimate, and powerful ways and that they would experience His love so deeply. And pray that their nerves would be calmed, and that they would feel like they are walking into this body as family.
2. Pray for the staff. This is an incredible time for us to love, serve, teach, pray, and walk beside these new Racers. Pray that we would be drenched in humility, wisdom, patience, endurance, and LOVE. Pray that we are constantly sensitive to the Spirit’s leading.
3. Pray for our leadership–the men and women who have given their lives to serving God for our generation. There are several couples that will be teaching and leading during this training camp who we love and respect. Pray for wisdom! Pray for new revelation. Pray for God’s voice and heart to be heard and felt through them.
4. Pray for Patrice and Gretchen. They are the June squad leaders. They were both on my squad last year and Patrice was my team leader. They are walking into a whole new squad and challenge with God. Pray for their leadership, their confidence, and their identities– that they would continue to receive their worth and words from their Father through this entire journey. Pray that they would immediately click with their new squad and that God would give them wisdom, discernment, and an over abundance of His love and Spirit as they serve this year.
Thank you for joining in prayer over this new group of Racers that are walking into this journey that God will use to love, break, speak, challenge, radicalize, and empower this group of His kids!