
Yes…off to the unknowns of Mozambique. We don’t know where we’re going exactly, what we’re doing, or who we’re meeting there, but that’s where the Lord has clearly spoken for our team to go!

We will be leaving Swazi on Wednesday, and traveling the three or four days up to Mozambique. We will be there until late June. Not sure about internet yet, so I will send updates as I can.

Another prayer request and plea our squad has right now is for our teammate Jen. She is in desperate need of support. She needs another $3,000 before June 1st, or she will be sent home. She is a member of my small team and we need her here. We know that the Lord means for her to stay, and finances is a stupid reason to leave, so please, if you feel led, visit her blog and give if you can. (

Thank you so much for following my travels and what the Lord is doing in my life and in the lives of my teammates. Thank you so much for all your prayers and support. I appreciate you all so much, and my team has been so blessed by your prayers and encouragement as well. It is beautiful to see all parts of the body working together so beautifully!

Much love!